Evran er næst

Bendi á ágæta grein í dagblaðinu "The Independent" og þá sérstaklega grein Derek Scotts:

"As the downturn plays itself out, Continental Europe will be next to come under pressure, and we have begun to see it over the past couple of days. I think the problems in Continental Europe will be almost as severe as in the US, although not for the same reasons. These include the cross-border banking models, and not having a lender of last resort.

It is also becoming clear that the euro is a credit-boom-creating mechanism in how it is connected to the region's interest rates.

I'm not saying it is going to break apart, but in the next six months increasingly more people will question the sustainability of the euro in the long term.

Europe's problems shouldn't rebound too badly on the UK. Although we have less room for manoeuvre as our public finances are a shambles, we are in a better position than some of the others."

 Vandamál Evrópu er eins og fyrri daginn ekki of mikið miðstýring, heldur þvert á móti of lítil miðstýring.  Það að halda að Evran sé einhver redding á efnahagsvanda landsins er skammsýn.  Hún getur hins vegar verið langtímalausn.  Ekki núna, seinna.


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